Saturday, January 1, 2011


Ann and I can kill a few hours just talking about names - our secret future baby names, the names we'd rather have instead of Ann and Christine, or our steadfast belief in how having certain names can create certain personalities. Once we wandered around Claremont for hours just talking about names and picking out which houses were the nicest. Ann likes it when someone has a first name-y last name, like John Oliver. I like names that translate easily into nicknames, like Olivia. You can't really get any good nicknames out of Christine. 'Chrissy' is kind of disgusting. My friend Joanna calls me 'Christiney weenie" sometimes, but I like her enough to let it slide (as I cringe to myself). Oh well.


  1. I have a cute little cousing-like girl in my family named Christine. Her nickname is Sissy.

  2. Sissy? Is she scrawny and scared all the time?
