Thursday, July 15, 2010


There is a Tetris mystery I often wonder about. What would happen if someone managed to stack up a perfectly solid block of rows, no holes or pieces sticking out above the top? Tetris can't just wipe out four rows and leave half a screen of block behind, can it?

My theory/fantasy: The entire screen will be emptied, and the message, "YOU HAVE DEFEATED TETRIS!!" will begin flashing. And there will definitely be super extra bonus points.

Or maybe the stupid long piece never shows up when you need it most just so that this can never happen. Evil Tetris!

Let me know if you ever find out.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahah!!! Christine! I'm so glad you are blogging. You know, before camping, it had been so long, I had almost forgot how funny you are. But now with your blog, I'll never be able to forget!

